Fish Mom Card
Fish Mom Greeting Card
4" x 9" with envelope
Text on back of card:
FISH MOM – Dignified and Tough
She is elegant and yet can handle anything in her Xtra-Tuf boots. She is a fisherwoman and is not phased by the worst from weather or anything that hard work has to throw at her. She can balance her children, as well as her livelihood, with grace and dignity. She oves her family (including pets), friends and the cultural things in life, like music, art and literature. But, mountains, wildlife and water are her life's breath. The Woman's Life Dance series is a celebration of Women. They are multi-ethnic and athletic instead of sensual in the physique (to avoid judgement based on body type). They wear crowns of their greatest joys and influences in their lives (i.e. children, mates, passions, parents). Their dresses tell their life story in people, places and inspirations. The boots are joyful, to give a bounce in their step as they travel through life. All have mittens woven throughout their dresses, because every woman has helping hands.
The Woman's Life Dance Series is a celebration of women. They are multi-ethnic and athletic instead of sensual in their physique (to avoid judgement based on body type). They wear crowns of their greatest joys and influences in their lives (i.e. children, mates, passions) and are loosely based on Yupik masks. Their dresses tell their life story and the cowboy boots are joyful, to give a bounce in their step as they travel through life. They all wear mittens, because the artist is proudly Alaskan!